There are many headaches business executives have to deal with on daily basis to keep their businesses afloat. These include among others things, the heavy burden and multiplicity of taxation, bottle-necks with customs when importing goods or raw materials. couple this with Nigeria's very harsh business environment and you begin to understand the conditions many businesses operate in Nigeria. Just today, i read in the papers of the suspension of operations by Air Nigeria because of two things, 1- disloyalty from staff and harsh business environment.
Just imagine for a moment that as a local company or say a foreign company, you had total control of the number of expatriates you can have in your employment? Just imagine what you could accomplish if you had additional 30% of your total income every year given back to you? Stop imagining.
I consider it very important to write about the Onne Oil and Gas free trade zone because it offers many businesses operating in Nigeria or others wishing to do business in the region's Oil and Gas sector a unique opportunity to give their businesses additional incentive to succeed, big-time. So how big are these benefits am talking about? well read on.
The Nigerian government has been investing heavily in the infrastructure to support the Free Zone and is determined to see the facility grow into a major hub of activity. Supporting the region’s energy industry, it is located close to major projects such as the Nigerian Liquefied Natural Gas plant at Bonny Island but within easy reach of offshore developments further a field. If you get to set up your business at the free trade zone, you stand to benefit immensely from:
Standard Free Zone Incentives
- 100% Import and Export Tax Exemption
- 100% Exemption from Commercial Levies
- 100% Repatriation of Capital and Profits
- 100% Foreign Company Ownership
- Leases available from 5 to 21 years
- No Quotas for Expatriate Employees
- No Corporate Taxes
- No V.A.T.
- No With–Holding taxes
- No Levies
Specific Onne Advantages
- Customs privileges for goods consigned to Onne Oil and Gas Free Zone, including Goods in Transit to other West African Territories.
- No pre-shipment inspection – Goods are not consigned to Nigeria
- Duty Free Stock, Equipment, Spare Parts, Pipes
- No double handling in and out of Nigeria
- Access to major projects On-shore, Off-shore and Regionally
- Cost Efficient Operations
- Sophisticated Oil Service Centre Support
Logistics Centre For West Africa
- Easy Clearing Process
- Duty Free Status for Imports
- Pre-shipment Inspection in the Free Zone
- Duties paid on Goods Exported to Nigeria
- Sea - Air Logistics
- No red tape - faster services
- Minimal Bureaucracy
- Easy Registration
My people, from the eastern part of Nigeria, have a saying that no one gets sugar in his mouth and spits it out but i dont want to just tell you about this great place, i want you to come and hear from people like you who are already investing and benefiting from this project. - I invite you to visit http://www.nigeriaoilandgasinvest.com/exhibition/ to find out more and how to attend the forthcoming Nigeria Oil and Gas Investment Forum for the Onne Free Trade zone.
- Cheers.
Im not going to say what everyone else has already said, but I do want to comment on your knowledge of the topic. Youre truly well-informed. I cant believe how much